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Symbiont Games

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New text quest and a series of games-games from Symbiont Games

Symbiont Games
Requires android
4.0 and up
Package name
Updated on
May 10, 2024
Available on the Play Store → Google Play

Наблюдатель Game

// Invitation to the Program

“Congratulations on the start of the first working day, Observer!

Getting into our team is not easy, is it? We are doing things that don't exist in the real world. The highest level of secrecy. We work for the benefit of the most important system - humanity.

Our agents “work in the field,” and Observers such as you watch from a safe distance, collect information and help with advice.

☠️ The main thing - do not forget that the smartphone in your hand is only a means. The people at the other end are real. Don't let them be gone, okay? ”


New bestseller of game books from the author of Symbionts
New heroes, missions, advanced functionality and more inside!
20,000 lines of text - tens of hours of intense play.
1600 dialogues, an abundance of puzzles, quests and difficult decisions that will surprise you.
The game in the game is 10,000 MFC from the Mr. Freeman project somewhere inside.

Latest Наблюдатель update

Продолжаем исправлять проблемы, чтобы сделать игру удобнее для вас!

+ Исправлено автоматическое восстановление покупки Премиума.
+ Исправлено воскрешение и контрольные точки во второй главе.
+ Исправлено множество ошибок и опечаток.
+ Исправлены критически важные переходы, ведущие к незапланированной гибели.
+ Обновлены некоторые элементы интерфейса.
+ Исправлены некорректные отправители в письмах.
+ Исправлены неправильные описания достижений.
+ Небольшие технические правки.
Download Наблюдатель APK 1.2 (28 MB)

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