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This app is not created to replace Google Maps or feature rich mapping apps.

Requires android
2.1 and up
Package name
Updated on
Feb 5, 2023
Available on the Play Store → Google Play

sgh App

This app is not created to replace Google Maps or other feature rich mapping apps. What this app does is to serve TWO simple needs for certain group of users.

First need is under Setup New Map and View Map. Use case is you own jpg,png image files of tradeshow,house,store,apartment,garden etc map and you want to draw pins on different location within the map. Upon tap the pin you want to store some information for that location. So from user perspective, you see the map with pins on them.

App works by assuming the jpg,png map image files are split into many squares along X and Y axis. Each square is then where the app will draw pin in them.

Second need is under Setup New Floorplan and View Floorplan. Use case is you are selling concert or bus or cinema etc tickets, you want to keep track of which seats are available,sold or reserved. As floorplan varies greatly whether it is concert or bus or cinema seating arrangement, this app takes a very simplistic view of seating arrangement as many squares along X and Y axis. Each square represent a seat.

Important points to note:
- Since most map images are huge, try to scale the image in advance to dimension close to the smart-phone screen size. This ensure when the app render the image it is close to original and your pins drawn on top will look nice.

The application support English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese display.

Latest sgh update

- Bugs fixes
Download sgh APK 6.0 (117 B)

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