Pixel Slide for KLWP (Kustom Theme) icon

Digital Motion Amp Magic

Download APK (8.2 B)

5 page setup with music, calendar, news, stats and much more. Requires KLWP Pro.

Digital Motion Amp Magic
Requires android
5.0 and up
Package name
Updated on
Feb 5, 2023
Available on the Play Store → Google Play

Pixel Slide for KLWP (Kustom Theme) App

What you need:
- Kustom Live Wallpaper
- Kustom Live Wallpaper Pro Key
- Compatible launcher (Nova Launcher recommended)

- Nova needs blank 5 pages before applying this preset. If anything is out of place or animations don't look right - open Kustom and click the save icon to reapply the preset. This is a bug with how KLWP handles multi-page animations. Re-applying the theme should correct this.

Please ensure you have wallpaper scrolling enabled in your launcher.

- Open Kustom and load the theme.
- On the GLOBALS tab change the titleTxt global to whatever you want.
- Change the yourName global to... You guessed it.
- Choose a profile image with the avatar global.
- Change the feedURL to an RSS feed URL of your choice.
- Change the dst (dock search text) global to string of your choice.

- If you wish, you can continue to modify the globals for your status bar (sbar) and you navigation bar (nbar) - but these can be modified from the theme itself in the settings menu*

* To access the settings menu, click the three dots at the top right and select settings from the dropdown menu that appears.

Additional Notes:

Supports all aspect ratios and will automatically adjust to fit your device.

Latest Pixel Slide for KLWP (Kustom Theme) update

- Bugs fixes
Download Pixel Slide for KLWP (Kustom Theme) APK 1.0.2 (8.2 B)

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