Voice Audiobook Player icon

Paul Woitaschek

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minimal - intuitive - fast

Paul Woitaschek
Requires android
6.0 and up
Package name
Updated on
Jun 3, 2024
Available on the Play Store → Google Play

Voice Audiobook Player App

Are you looking for a simple, minimal audiobook player that just works?
One that lets you focus on what you actually want to do: Listen to audiobooks?
You simply add your main audiobook folder, and each folder in it is recognized as a single book. This keeps your library simple and uncluttered.

What it can do:
- Remembers the last position
- Set playback speed
- Beautiful material design
- Day & night theme. Easy on the eyes
- Bookmarks
- Android Auto
- Sleep Timer. No need to turn off the player in the middle of the night.

Voice is free and open source. This means that everyone can see what it does. It uses minimal permissions.

If you have suggestions or find bugs, report them here:

The open source license is Gnu GPLv3

Latest Voice Audiobook Player update

In the language of updates, and code being refined,
Comes an update note, in verse to be signed.

First, for the chapter mark parsing so keen,
Fixed another edge case, now smoothly seen.

Added a feature, exciting and new,
Search for the covers, in color or hue.

Lastly, to Samsung users, a word of amend,
Fixed audiobooks not being read, we promise to mend.

So update your app, dear users, don't delay,
For the Voice Android Audiobook Player, gets better each day.
Download Voice Audiobook Player APK 8.2.3 (78.94 MB)

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