三極姫DEFENCE icon

Systemsoft Alpha Inc

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Systemsoft Alpha Inc
Requires android
Android 4.0 and up
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Updated on
Feb 5, 2023
Available on the Play Store → Google Play


Three Kingdoms story to enjoy in unification mode, a variety of content to enjoy the adventure of road in two mode.< br>a fellow was a warrior and the strategies we use to do! Chinese unification!< p>■unification mode
- unification mode, Normal mode and hard mode, day of the week training.< br> - combat before the start of the warlords who appeared in the original game development!< br> - the enemy's Fort and the attack drop, the enemy's fierce attacks to prevent their military FORTS to protect the variety of combat you enjoy!< p>■adventure road mode
-fighting Arena
・other users and the fight against human war mode.< br> ・PVP deck dedicated to the warriors of the organization, the most powerful monarch.!< p> -The test Tower
・limited sortie costs and repeated enemy to destroy game mode.< br> ・the next floor to promote cost savings and strategy.< p> -search for volunteers
and in many cities of the warlords sent treasures find game mode.< br> ・search for the conditions of the warlords a lot, have such a success rate.

Latest 三極姫DEFENCE update

v1. 0. 2 - Strategies of"lightning"in the text of the amendment - Characteristics"follower"with warlords, the formation generated by the Fix - Chapter 6 (normal) and Chapter 4(hardware)that occurred in the Fix - AP due to the lack of a state at the time of the application is complete, it fix v1. 0. 1 - Sun Quan's attack cut-image Image correction - App startup time-loading optimization - Each Chapter stage of the sortie button, touch app to an end. - Options screen, the user information display - Some research items research is not reflected fix - As reward for WIN"strategies card lightning (small)"increase in the number of problems correct
Download 三極姫DEFENCE APK 2.0.2 (97.37 MB)

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