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Take control of the territory, prosper, and build your legend history! Your Majesty, are you ready?

Requires android
Android 5.0+
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Updated on
May 10, 2024
Available on the Play Store → Google Play

Return to Empire Game

Return to Empire - Age of Empires Mobile, is a free real-time strategy mobile game developed by Tencent Timi Studio Group and Microsoft.

The game absorbs the classic elements of the empire, and you will be in the ever-changing live battlefield, build a city-state from scratch, lead the world's heroes, and constantly expand the territory.

In the 3D war world of 6.25 million square kilometers, all strategic battles happen instantly. You can pull the line of troops to move freely and flexibly formulate strategies based on the natural terrain and weather. Should millions of cavalry charge in the snow or send archers squat on the grass to make a surprise attack on a rainy night?

As the territory grows and develops, you will gather allies to fight against famous cities, whether to control massive siege equipment to blast the city gates, direct partners to encircle the streets in all directions, or even become an undercover agent until the decisive battle against the enemy! Alliance or confrontation? Surrender or conquer? There is never more than one road to the crown here!

Bards will eventually sing the king's epic from armored knights to Zhuge crossbowmen.

Welcome my Lord and return to the Empire!

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