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Brian Holloway

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Speculo is our new app that does things a bit different

Brian Holloway
Requires android
2.1 and up
Package name
Updated on
May 10, 2024
Available on the Play Store → Google Play

Speculo App

Speculo is our new app that takes a different approach to the usual way in which ghostbox apps work.
You set your sweep rate as normal but now you have a timer slider that determines how long the banks will fire for once you ask a question.
You can set this from 3 seconds up to a maximum of 20 seconds but you can add extra time if needed
while the banks are firing by simply moving the slider to add extra time.
Once you have it set you press the on button and the app will then start listening and the banks will not fire at this point.
The app is waiting fir you to ask a question and its listening for certain sound frequencies that most human voices fall in.
It does not understand what you are saying but simply listens for a sound that falls within those frequencies to then trigger the banks.
Once you start asking your question you have 3 seconds before the banks start to fire for the duration you set on the slider.
Once the timer is up the app stops the banks firing and goes back into listening mode ready for your next question.
Doing it this way makes your session much more controlled and structured and easier to hear any replies
but remember to make sure your location is quiet and any other team members are not talking as this will trigger the banks.
We have calibrated the app so most environmental sounds should not trigger the banks
but if they fall into the frequencies that the app is listening for then that may also trigger the app
so please take that into consideration within the location your using the app in

Latest Speculo update

Code update to bring app in line with Googles new sdks
Download Speculo APK 2 (9.11 MB)

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